Parole sentimental

Interactive installation, 2022

Language, despite being a pre-existing collective understanding, resonates uniquely within each individual. “Parole Sentimental” is a device I designed to measure the intensity of human emotion influenced by literature. This interactive installation activates upon audience engagement. Participants are equipped with sensors that detect their emotional responses by measuring electrical conductance of the skin, as they interact with the poem “Howl” by Allen Ginsberg displayed on LCD screens. The speed of the text animation correlates with the emotional intensity detected by the device, providing a visual representation of their feelings.

The term “parole” refers to the linguistic theory by Ferdinand de Saussure, which denotes the specific use of language in concrete acts by individuals. This project explores the comprehension of literature and the subjective experience of language using an experimental setup. Intense emotion can cause stimulus to the sympatheic nervous system, resulting, more sweat being secreted by sweat glands. GSR-sensor is able to spot strong emotion by attaching two eletrodes to two fingers on one hand. Under the simulation of Allen’s provocative choice of words in “Howl” volatility of emotion could be more detectable.

The installation mainly construts of 16 LCD-screens, 2 microcontrollers and GSR-Sensor and copper wire. Using I2C protocal i was able to connect 8 screens in each arduino. I astablished a serial communication between 2 arduinos. The main board is connected with GSR-sensor (galvanic skin response) and calculate parameters such as the animation speed.

Inspired by the first polygraph machine in the world, Parole Sentimental adopts the aesthetic of the early steam age, featuring an exposed mechanical structure within a transparent frame. This design allows the audience to observe the machine’s fragile, complex network. Just like the audience that are being exposed emotionally, the machine is as valnerable in front of them.