-- 22.11

The general idea of this project is to take the concept of star formation and convert it to internet activities on social media. Like the formation of stars, dust and gas are compressed to a threshold until its explodtion. <<<<<<< HEAD A topic before it is trending on internet, it has been incubating, compressing until it is "big" enough that can be picked up by the traffic and eventually it dies out in the internet time strim. The project will be a artistic interpreation of internet activities.

======= Before a topic is trending on the internet, it has been incubating, compressing until it is picked up by the traffic and eventually it dies out. The project will be a artistic interpreation of internet activities.


first abstract

What is the true form of internet activities? Can we recognize them in only numbers and dots? Or they just return to their primary form? Reviewing internet history from a microscopic perspective. After stripping down all the loudness, reducing the whole story back to its data form. No matter how these topics are used to be surrounding human cultural life. Within this artificial galaxy, you review them with alien eyes.

first visual draft

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